Remote Desktop Software for Managed Service Providers (MSP)

Deliver outstanding, proactive support for customers anytime, anywhere

Reliable, direct, and instant connections

ConnectWise ScreenConnect enables best-in-class remote access that lets your MSP business provide superior service to customers securely, silently, seamlessly, and with speed through an instant, direct connection that lets technicians access desktops, mobile devices, and more. Never worry about disrupting a customer’s day while updating or performing other support on an endpoint device. Customers don’t even need to be actively using their device for techs to jump in and do their work.

Benefits for MSPs

Remote access backed by robust security

ConnectWise ScreenConnect offers a diverse feature set that makes its Windows compatibility one of the best in the industry, providing excellent support for techs and customers needing to remotely connect to systems running: Windows 7, 8.1, 10, and Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2019.

Remote control with global reach

Does your MSP business need to monitor and support customers’ machines in locations around the world? Do that easily—and with confidence. Your technicians can resolve technical issues on endpoints successfully without disrupting customers, whether they’re sitting around the corner or somewhere across the globe.


More proactive technical support

Elevate your service as an MSP by enabling technicians to access attended or unattended endpoints instantly and prevent customers from experiencing unnecessary downtime. Behind-the-scenes device monitoring and management capabilities let your techs stay aware so they can provide more proactive support—and keep system performance running high.

Increased technician productivity

Your techs can now deliver professional, efficient service anywhere, anytime, so they can close the loop on tickets faster. That helps your MSP business reduce costs. But it also means technicians can handle more tickets in a typical workday—which can also help boost your bottom line.

Reduced turnover of tech staff

Tech team churn costs your MSP business time and money and undermines your ability to meet customers’ expectations for quality service. Our remote-control toolset is reliable, fast, and secure, empowering techs to be more effective and deliver more value. That, in turn, helps to increase their job satisfaction—and make your MSP business more talent-sticky.

"ConnectWise ScreenConnect is the easiest way to connect with our customers. It is simple to use and allows for multiple sets of eyes to look in and help."

Features for MSPs

The ability to see what customers see

Nontechnical customers may struggle to explain to a technician exactly what’s happening with their device and why they need support. ConnectWise ScreenConnect lets your techs access a customer’s workstation or device immediately, so they can better understand the issue and alleviate confusion. This leads to faster ticket resolution, less-frustrated techs, and a more positive customer experience.

Hundreds of customization options

Build trust with your customers by keeping your MSP business’s brand front and center as your team provides end users with remote support. You can customize ConnectWise ScreenConnect with hundreds of appearance options. Personalize the guest page and client with your logo, brand colors, and more.

Advanced report generation

Monitor technician activity and track key business metrics with the advanced reporting feature in ConnectWise ScreenConnect remote desktop software. You can easily create clear, concise reports with actionable data anytime you want to get a holistic view of how effective your MSP business is at meeting customers’ needs for remote support.

Precision searching and filtering capabilities

With ConnectWise ScreenConnect, your technicians can quickly locate the specific customer workstations and devices that require immediate support. Techs can apply several different search parameters, including session and device name, external IP address, and operating system.

Over 100 integrations and extensions

Save your MSP business time and money with the integrations and extensions available in ConnectWise Marketplace. ConnectWise ScreenConnect integrates with many popular tools, including Zendesk, Outlook, Acronis and Passportal. If you don’t see an integration you need, we have tools to help you build it. And if you need development help, just reach out to our product team.

Try ConnectWise ScreenConnect Support for free

Take a test drive and see how well it works for your customers. Bring instant, secure, and reliable remote control and support into your business. Boost your team’s support capabilities.

Award-winning Remote Support and Remote Access software