Things to consider before having a mobile remote support software

Dee Carter

In the fashion industry, they’ll say ‘this color’ is the new black at the start of every new season. In IT, the saying translates: mobile endpoints are the new black.

With each passing year, the workforce moves further away from stationary desktops in favor of running daily operations off of tablets, phones, and other mobile devices. This trend is one MSPs can’t ignore, but remotely supporting mobile endpoints presents unique challenges for both technicians and end users.

How successful you’ll be at adding mobile support to your service offering depends on the solution you choose. There are many options on the market today, so here are a few things to ask yourself during your research:

Purpose What functions do your team typically perform on and with mobile devices?

Network connectivity, email, calendaring, VPN, and communications apps (think Skype for Business or Cisco® Webex Teams™) are common tasks associated with mobile device support, so do a thorough check to make sure your bases are covered there.

Ease of use - Is it easy to use and get end users with little to no technical expertise connected?

One of the most frustrating and time-consuming things techs encounter is trying to get the end user connected to a session. Complicated processes to get connected should be a no-go for any mobile device support tool. It should be painless and intuitive, and, at best, offer multiple ways to get the end user connected (like texts, emails, and codes) so the technician can cater to the end user’s preference.

End-user interruption - Does it offer minimal end-user interruption? How much end-user interaction is required for the job to be completed?

If your team manages machines for a remote workforce, odds are they’ll need to pop in and do routine maintenance while the end user is working. Once the end user is connected to a support session, the technician should be able to get in, troubleshoot the problem, and get out with as little disruption as possible.

Education - Does it facilitate end-user education about mobile device risks and safety?

You get them connected. You get the job done. But then, leave them with some wisdom for next time.

Security - What security features does it offer, specifically for mobile support?

Choosing the right tool can be tricky, particularly with cell phone remote access. You should first consider what actions your team performs most and then see if the solution you’re researching not only supports those actions but makes it easy for both the technician and the end user to connect to a session.

Be sure not to think too one-sided. How your end users experience the software will have great and lasting impacts on your mobile support offering. Understanding their challenges, expectations, and level of technical experience should be a major factor in the decision-making process when it comes to choosing remote control software for mobile devices.

Once you’ve assessed the features, consider the experience from the tech and the end user’s perspective. Is getting the end user connected to a mobile session difficult and frustrating or intuitive? Performing actions like locking lost devices all the way up to managing a fleet of machines, the solution you pick should be able to help your team perform those actions with minimal end-user interaction.

Managing the growing demand for fast, secure remote device support can be challenging for many MSPs. As the global workforce moves away from stationary desktops in favor of conducting business on iPads, iPhones, Android tablets, and other mobile machines, providers must seamlessly support a variety of machines and operating systems—or risk obsolescence.

The key is equipping tech support teams with a tool that meets the challenges of supporting the most in-demand mobile devices securely and efficiently.

How ConnectWise Control can help

Mobile remote support with ConnectWise Control® makes it easy for technicians and end users to connect, resolve issues, and end interactions on a positive note. Start building your end users’ confidence in your mobile services.

iOS mobile support: Wondering how to access an iPhone remotely? We’ve got you covered. ConnectWise Control supports mobile devices that run on iOS. With iOS screen-sharing, the host can see what’s on the end user’s screen and direct them through the troubleshooting process step-by-step. Even if you’re working with an older version, you can use the Legacy iOS Compatibility extension that makes minor UI changes to help compatibility with the iOS app on older versions.

Android: Learn how to view a remote machine from your Android or ChromeOS device, or how to control a Samsung device from your desktop remotely. Explore host-only, guest-only, and server-feature information.

In the end, controlling remote devices doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. Just focus on the end-user experience and the features that will best support you and the technicians you work with.